Tuesday, May 5, 2020

the annual event

Who can resist, when they have such a tree in their yard, taking photos?


  1. Replies
    1. It seems especially so this year, for some reason.

  2. Such a lovely tree! How is your foot? Had you injured it in some way? Take care, be safe, stay well!

    1. My foot is fine, Nellie - thank you! I was sitting for a while and when I got up, it hurt. It felt like the bones were kinked in some way. As the afternoon progressed, it got worse so that it was excruciating to stand on. It seemed broken, but no swelling, no bruising. I went to the ER and the x-rays showed nothing. The next morning it was WAY better, and after I'd taken Exedrin for a headache, I can say it was ninety nine percent back to normal. A very strange occurrence. I suppose it was some kind of inflammation, so I kept it up as much as possible for a few days, even though it was fine. I didn't want it to return!
