Thursday, April 9, 2020

more bread, and better

I made another loaf of bread today, with a quarter teaspoon of yeast, again. I felt the previous one could have used a bit more water, or liquid, so I couldn't wait to try again.

Here's the recipe:

This is from a bread machine cookbook we withdrew from the library collection; it wasn't circulating. I grabbed it! So, I followed it, as far as ingredients went, exactly, except for the yeast amount, and also I melted the butter to add that more easily to the mix.

I used Steve's method as far as I've understood it, meaning that last night I mixed all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl and then stirred in the wet. I'd whisked up the two eggs, added them to the milk in a two-cup measure and then topped it off with some water to make a full two cups. This was more liquid than the last one.

I really have to say that I don't know what I'm doing, I just do it anyway. I *felt* that I wanted more liquid - the crumb on the previous loaf was dense. Of course, it had more whole wheat in it, which may be why. I don't know. Also, leaving the dough on the counter all night, for about fifteen hours total made me nervous - milk, and two eggs! When I checked it it smelled slightly like alcohol rather than yeast. This made me wonder if I'd left it too long, but Steve advises eight to eighteen hours, so I wasn't concerned.

It came out very well.

It's delicious!  The crumb looks better, I think - more holes. It could use a little more salt - next time! And maybe next time I can cover it with a wet towel - I do not like using plastic wrap.

Meanwhile, yesterday afternoon I was sitting at the kitchen table minding my own business when I noticed how the light was affecting the scene out the back window. I can never resist this drama, although I've probably taken this picture many times before.


  1. The bread looks good. I love to see my own view in its different moods too and can't resist its drama either.

    1. Thanks, Tracy! And you have such beautifully long view. :)

  2. Perhaps the leaving it out overnight gives it a sort of sourdough effect? I tend to play around with recipes too :)

    Lovely 'light' outside your window, and I'm sure it looks even better in real life. xx

    1. I imagine that it does become a semi-sourdough, which is fine with me! I've avoided sourdough because I don't like the idea of having to be concerned about the starter all the time. I want to just make a loaf or two at a time, when I want. Or not! Yes, the light did look much better in person. :)

  3. You are braver than I am! I am always so reluctant and worried if I have to adapt a written recipe. I can make savoury dishes up as I go along but baking and bread making I am much happier sticking to the recipe.
    We have run out of eggs now - there weren't any at the supermarket on Wednesday. We will try again next Wednesday first at the supermarket and then at a couple of farms which sell eggs near here.
    Stay safe and keep well. Lisa <3

    1. Clare, something drives me to do these experiments! :D I hope you find eggs soon. Take care.

  4. Light will get you up and out of your seat in an attempt to capture it. Well done! And good job with the bread!
