Monday, January 13, 2020

Roger Scruton, RIP

"The future of mankind, for the socialist, is simple: pull down the existing order, and allow the future to emerge. But it will not emerge, as we know. These philosophies of the 'new world' are lies and delusions, products of a sentimentality which has veiled the facts of human nature.

We can do nothing unless we first amend ourselves." (emphasis mine)

                                              -  Roger Scruton   May he rest in peace.


  1. Amen! to Scruton's wisdom and to your blessing. I still want to read more of his writings; the only book I've read so far was England: An Elegy, which was so enlightening. In referring to him as a writer, we can continue to speak of him in the present tense, which is, of course, fitting in any case. Memory Eternal!

  2. Sir Roger. He was my beacon! I discovered him and felt a lot less alone in this world. How wonderful that we both knew of this man, Lisa.

    He spoke truth and encouraged many.

    1. Leila Lawler mentioned him, and that's where I first heard his name. I have not read a book of his yet.

    2. I discovered him via a YouTube channel. The young man was speaking about modern architecture and art and mentioned Scruton' s BBC documentary. I've read many of his essays and articles, but have been saving his books for a time when I can actually enjoy reading meatier books. I'll post a link to that video on my blog in case you haven't seen it.
