Monday, August 26, 2019

a little more order

At one of the thrift stores last week, I found a basket with a handle, just right for a grab-and-go sewing kit.

The contents are a little crowded - maybe I can take out some things.

Planning ahead for the day when the little one discovers the sewing supplies on my desk - and the sharp things that are in there. I'm aiming to make room for this basket in my bookcase, out of her way.


  1. so lovely, the basket and your new furry friend! She is so tiny!

  2. Hasn't she a sweet face! The basket is a good idea; cats always find the things you'd rather they didn't :)

    1. She is terribly cute, and a good girl, too. (relatively speaking)

  3. Having "children" in the house really helps us to be organized and tidy :-)

  4. So good that you are thinking ahead! She is such a little sweetie. Your brown pincushion is very nice and the arrangement and color of the pins looks so pretty there.
