Tuesday, June 25, 2019

stuff and nonsense

I'm so bad at taking pictures lately - I just don't think of it!  But yesterday when we sat down to dinner I realized it was an all-white one: cauliflower, roasted potatoes (well, with some red skins on them) and chicken tenders (some green: parsley, and capers). Not only that, but I made a coconut milk ice cream for dessert; it was Midsummer Day so I fussed a little. I suppose a photograph would have been boring in its monotones, so I guess no one is missing anything.

Every day at work I end up seeing a rabbit outside, grazing in the lawn. We saw two today at different times - one was a baby. Doesn't everyone love seeing bunny rabbits?

Today I finished reading a book entitled Stories from the Old Squire's Farm by C. A. Stephens. I heard of it on a podcast, as something especially good for boy's to read. I knew we had it at work, so I picked it up. It was very enjoyable, and so believable, it was obviously based on truth. On a farm in Maine during the Civil War, an older couple has to raise several of their grandchildren because the sons of these good people were killed in the war. So, these cousins grew up together in the late eighteen hundreds and had to do so many things the hard way. Each chapter a story by itself - for any child willing to read it, a real eye-opener to see how resourceful and observant young people had to be back then  -  fascinating.

the place where I bought my hanging plant


  1. I, of course, would have loved a picture of that meal! :) What a lovely book you read! That sounds quite fascinating... and a very good book indeed for boys to read!

  2. Sounds like an interesting book.
    Unfortunately the library doesn't have it :(

  3. Yes, to the monotone color picture. I enjoy seeing the shades of a color, and isn't it sort of a surprise when a meal appears that way. Like you didn't mean for it to be that way!

    1. Right - I was not thinking in those terms at all. I'm sure the experts would say you should plan for different colors. I had actually planned a different meal for that day, but the chicken I bought was too close to the date and I knew I should use it up. Everything else I cooked was just handy.

  4. I haven't taken many pictures lately. It's only afterwards I think, like you, that I should have used my camera/phone. I like the photo of the very rural place you bought your hanging plant. :)

    1. Yes, sometimes we have to just live in the moment! I love going to plant nurseries. The air is moist from all the watering, and this place had such a beautiful view - it was just tucked away from everything and so pleasant.

  5. I have meals like that too. Just can't leave it like that, so I end up quickly cooking up peas, like it makes a big difference! I do like the sound of your book.
