Thursday, September 6, 2018

finding the harmony

This was in Magnificat today, and I thought it interesting -

   "Our whole life is an effort towards this unity, this harmony, that we feel the need to recover. It is in the friendship of God that we can, insofar as it is possible, find it again. Is all of this of practical importance? Yes, it explains both our need for the infinite and our powerlessness to attain it.

 'Doctor Faustus', who sought light, knowledge, wisdom, and happiness, could not find them either in study, love, or sorcery, nor in all that the world offered him, because he should have sought them in the supernatural. Why does man glorify sin? Why is there something religious in the sin of man? What gives sin its mystical savor? Because man has a need for the infinite, and because, not having the courage to ascend high enough, he ends up by deifying his desires.

 Human life is made up of this conflict between man and his weakness, because he has lost his unity. All literature can be studied in his light, and it will be noted, for example, how poets and novelists often permeate all the desires of the flesh with this attraction of the divine."

                                                    -   Fr. Maurice Zundel


  1. I loved what Fr. Zundel wrote, too. I even read it again this morning, and now I am reading it for a third time here.

    1. Yes, I think everybody has a religion - of some sort. But many don't realize that's what they're doing.
