Thursday, March 29, 2018

the best we can

At the supermarket today I ran into a man from church. He said, "I am doing the very best I can. Are you doing the very best you can?" I said, "yes!" He said, "That's all God expects of us. So, we're in good hands, and the hands aren't Allstate!" * 

My brother later told me he says this to everyone who asks how he's doing; but it stayed with me, especially struggling over an Easter week menu and trying not to leave out anything as I made out the shopping list. I was truly doing the best I could, and his silly little remark helped me to feel more settled afterward.

And then I bought some pretty jonquils.

* A well-known insurance company in the U.S, whose slogan is "You're in good hands with Allstate."


  1. Holy Week is hard work so it is a comfort to speak to others who are also finding it a struggle. All that is asked of us is that we do our best. We can do no more. God Bless You, Lisa. xx

  2. You know, even when I am not my best self, I am doing the best I can at that moment--sometimes I just don't have the energy or resources to do more. Wishing you a blessed and happy Easter, Lisa.

    1. Exactly! And it keeps coming to me that it's far better to just stand before the Lord in my weakness and neediness, than to pretend I can do this and that and everything - it's more honest, certainly!
      A very blessed Easter to you, too. xo
