Wednesday, March 7, 2018

meal planning this Lent

During Lent, I'm always so glad if I can arrange the meals so I don't have to be overly occupied with food.

This year it's casseroles on Sundays, something with ground beef Mondays (it'll be chili next time) and soup and sandwiches on Thursdays - all the other days are leftovers. It's working out very well, so far.

I found these multicolored baby carrots last week, and served them Sunday with butter and scallions, salt and pepper, along with steamed broccoli, mac and cheese with ham and blueberry pie for dessert. (we had company)


  1. Those carrots are so pretty! That meal sounds delicious.

  2. I always love those multicolored carrots! And all the other veggies you mentioned :-)

  3. Sounds tasty! I'm told, by those wot know (I don't) that carrots were not originally orange.
