Wednesday, March 8, 2017

two-tone knit dress, finally finished

It was a year ago when I posted about this dress, and I guess I never said another word about it.

Well, I added that other layer of the persimmon knit, and wore it to work one day. I did not like myself in it. I was pleased that it came out well - it's interesting to try to copy something from scratch, but it didn't look well on. Surely it could be fixed in some way, but how? I left it hanging in my closet.

Then we had a mild spell last week and I was panicked that there weren't enough in-between-the-weather-extremes pieces in my wardrobe. I saw it hanging there and put it on. Immediately I could see that it was too long, so I cut off two inches (these knit styles are great - no hemming necessary) which gave the whole a better balance. I also modified the "points" at the sides, which seemed a little too extreme.

Now I have a new dress that looks good, is very comfortable, and I like it. And rather more "sedate" than the original. What took me so long?


  1. But I want to see all of it...on you!! :) xx

    1. Twice I've worn it, Lynda, and both times intended to take a picture when I got home. Then entirely forgot. :D Will try again. To remember.

  2. Lisa, I'm so happy you gave us this update, because I remember this dress and have wondered about it a few times. I'm glad you were able to make a few tweaks to make it work for you.

  3. oh nice!!! I think sometimes we just need the timing to be right to see what to do!

  4. I guess you just had to wait until the right time for inspiration to strike.

    1. Yes! It does seem to work out better that way.

  5. I'm so glad it turned out so well - at last!

    1. Thank you, Clare. I imagined I'd have to do a lot more to it, and was glad it was so simple.

  6. Glad it turned out right for you! I know what you mean about those in between weather days. They are hard to dress for. :-)
