Friday, February 12, 2016

little burrito


  1. Did you have cats before Dolly, Lisa?

    1. Val, when I was quite small, we had two marmalades, a mother and son. He was Button Eyes, and she was called Mother. I barely remember them. In grammar school, an almost all black cat followed me home one day. I named him Spooky, but he ended up hit by a car at some point. I don't know how long we had him; he was an outdoor cat and never came in. Muffin was a black and white - we had him 17 years, I think. He was so possessive of our property, he'd jump out at the mailman when he came and attack his legs. :) We had tied him to the clothesline for a few years, and when we finally let him loose, he stayed in a very close area and would run home when my mother clapped her hands. I always loved the neighborhood cats.

    2. A lifetime of cats. :) How funny that Muffin would come at the sound of the clap.

  2. All snug and warm. I have a soft spot for cats. I just love them! I have been scrolling through your post and have enjoyed my visit.

  3. :-) All cozy, wrapped up in a beautiful quilt!
