Saturday, January 2, 2016

I truly do not know what day it is

Well, by now I think I'm feeling like Saturday again, but surely yesterday was Sunday, so I'm not sure....

(Dolly says it's Caturday)


  1. Don't worry Dolly...I'm confused to :))! xx

  2. it's funny how time is and how it feels at times differently than what it is!

  3. We had this problem over the weekend too!

  4. It always seems to me like New Year's Day should be a Sunday. I was especially thrown-off this year too, for whatever reason.

  5. The library where I work was closed for two weeks over the holidays. Its my first day back. It was hard--and not important, really, I guess--to keep track of which day was what. I thought it was Friday when it was Thursday. Imagine my delight at having one more unexpected day of holiday!

  6. In my case, Catholics go to church on Christmas, and New Year's Day. So, these days feel like Sundays to me. I have been very, Very confused. But, I am not really complaining! I love it all!
