Tuesday, December 23, 2014

a Cindy update

Cindy's new people have been emailing my brother with updates, and the latest is this:

my photo

"You'd think she had lived here for months, not days...She's been taking 2 hr naps on my lap every afternoon since Thursday and has been sleeping on the bed with us at night since then as well."

Ah!  This is what I was longing to hear!   Thank you, St. Francis.  Little Cindy -  they call her Mindy now -  has come to her perfect home.  Finally.


  1. Oh! Wonderful! Lisa, that's the perfect conclusion to the story. :)

    1. Yes, and the lady also keeps thanking us for the wonderful Christmas present. I'm all teary thinking of it.

      Val, I received your card - yes, I do appreciate it! :) You know me.

    2. That would make me teary too. I just read Mike the woman's email.


      Merry Christmas! ♥ 'Off to bake cookies now.

  2. I am so very glad!!! God is so merciful! and St. Francis very helpful! :) A Merry Christmas to you!!!

  3. I'm so happy my namesake is in a new home with a wonderful, caring and loving family. But I had to laugh - Cindy and Mindy! lol

    1. Yes - funny that we know twins by those names!

  4. Happy ending! I believe happy endings are new beginnings, and this sounds like one. :-)
