Saturday, July 5, 2014

a little recipe for little berries

It's time again for our wild black raspberries. We won't approach last year's pickings, but whatever we get is a gift!

Yesterday I made some quick light ice cream; based on Anna's vanilla recipe.

Into the blender, put one cup of milk, three quarter cup sugar, a heaping serving spoon of cocoa and one cup of these berries, if you're so lucky as to have them. Whiz it up good.

Mix gently with a pint of light cream and half a teaspoon vanilla. Chill well, then proceed in the normal way of making frozen desserts. The little bit of chocolate really adds something, I think.

Lots of seeds, but real good.


  1. This sounds very refreshing, Lisa. I've been far too long from commenting on your lovely blog.

  2. Sounds like a good dessert! We plan on blackberry picking this week. :-)
    Enjoy your day!
