Monday, November 12, 2012

a disturbing tale

Or rather, a Tale of a Disturbance.

My brother had another birthday and a friend was over.  I was washing a few dishes when they called to me - "You should take a picture of Henry like this!"  

I'd seen him looking that way before, but I dutifully snapped a picture. 

"Oh, no - from the other side!  You have to catch where his back foot is."  Poor Henry was sleeping, but I dutifully crept past him over near the window, and zoomed in to show his foot on the other side.

My brother said, " You're using the zoom?  It's not the same as being close to the subject." But poor Henry was sleeping.

He took the camera from me and went over near Henry, taking pictures; I saw an ear twitch just as I was wondering how he could be sleeping through all of it.  But then,

well, really.


  1. We don't disturb cats either unless it is for a good photo shot! ;)

  2. Haha...that is one adorably lazy pose!

  3. I love your many DO you have?:)

    1. Only two, Grace - quite enough for a small house with two humans sneezing every day. :D

  4. He is such a handsome cat Lisa. My favourite thing to snap as far as cats go is when they have their tongues sticking out. Not sure why but it just makes me smile.

    1. Tracy, I know what you mean. It's a funny thing, and they don't seem to realize it's sticking out, I don't think. Dolly does it every once in a great while.

  5. i love the look he's giving in the last photo....he's a bit put out with the photographer.
