I just got around to washing the last of windows, and it's almost July. I think this is the latest I've ever been with them. (well, I still have the doors to do) This one is over the kitchen sink, and I clean it by getting into the sink, etc. I'm relieved this one is behind me.
don't know what this is? It's a clean window.
So, washing windows every spring and every fall doesn't seem to be working for me anymore. I have decided to just do them as they need doing - when I'm cleaning that particular room and the window is dirty, I'll clean it. Maybe that will work better.
I found a recipe for window cleaner which is pretty good. It's from Simple Country Wisdom, a Country Living book, but I've also seen this recipe on the internet. Mix one cup of water with one cup of rubbing alcohol and add a tablespoon of white vinegar. It dries pretty fast - the high alcohol content - so that's something in its favor. You're not wiping terribly long. I wonder - why the small amount of vinegar?
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. Like you I tend to clean windows (and everything else i must admit) on a "need to" basis and I work on the principle that if I can't see a real difference when I've done it then it didn't really need doing!!