Thursday, June 21, 2012

just like auntie Adeline

I never thought I'd be buying one of those big cans of olive oil like Auntie Adeline always had at her house. She was my father's younger sister, and a great favorite of mine. I see them and I think of her.

They're so big! I don't think my mother ever bought this much at a time. But it was half price, and what with the olive oil butter I'm making more of lately, the stuff does seem to be going a lot faster.  

Kind of iconic.


  1. Love love love olive oil!

    Have a great weekend Lisa.

    ps you might be interested in linking up with Raindrops and Daisies "Green Day" at some stage
    - we would love to have you
    and that photo would be perfect!

  2. I see plenty of salad dressing in your future. Olive oil is so handy and tasty. (I've come via Green Day.)

  3. So glad you joined us for green day Lisa.


    Have a lovely weekend


  4. These olive oil cans are a ig thing here in Greece! Nice picture!

  5. That is the make of olive oil I use. I have often thought of buying a bigger one but have nowhere to store it. If it was half price it was definately worth it :)
    I'm visiting from Green Day.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  6. Wonderful! Buying in bulk is always a good idea:-)

  7. Good bargain hunting Lisa,
    We went to Bell yesterday to a workshop by Rhonda from "Down to Earth" and Olive oil is one of the main ingredients of her home made soap,she said there is a recipe on the forum for a simple 4 ingrediant soap and this is the one she makes all the time.I am going to make a batch next week as soon as I get some Coconut oil.
    Hope you have fun giving it a try sometime.

    1. Margaret, I don't know if I'll ever try making soap - it's the lye. Don't you have to do it outdoors?

  8. Please post about the olive oil butter! I think we would love to make some of that! It sounds divine!

  9. Używam jej do sałatek, jest świetna. Pozdrawiam.
    I use it for salads, is great. Yours.

    1. Pozdrawiam, Giga! Dziekuje bardzo! I am half Polish, and although I tried to learn the language, I know very little.

  10. A nice contribution to Green Day...

    Best wishes and have a nice day
