Saturday, July 9, 2011


I took this photo at Anthropologie the other day.

Imagination. Whoever started this company has plenty of it.  You can take a something that's dull - I don't know, an apron, a dish towel - if you've been there, you know what I mean - and just gussy it up by adding appliques on it, a little embroidery, whatever.  And it's transformed! 

I've been thinking about inspiration lately, and it's acquiring a deeper meaning for me.  Recently, Anna posted a couple of ice creams she'd made - lavender and honey and apricot. She mentioned a book with ice cream recipes, and I've seen several of those - most of them require eggs. No, thank you. Don't want the cholesterol, or the bother.  But she didn't bother with eggs either, I don't think.  She just made her own version of it without the eggs; using the recipe as an inspiration.

 I'm starting to get it.

I know a wise old man who talks about being a "good thief", as he puts it. He's referring to spiritual matters, but it can be applied to anything. Taking out of a thing what you can use, and leaving the rest. But still making something good from it.  I've been reading Anna's blog for a few years, and I'm finally realizing this is what she's doing!  Ahhhhhhh.  It's "freeing", as she put it to me once. 

Yes - yes, it is.


  1. Lisa - you know how devoted an Anna fan I am. I recommend her all the time, especially to my homeschooling friends. I like this post of yours -feels like a secret handshake *smile*


  2. Yes - you "get it", too!! :)

  3. You nailed it Lisa!! I'm trying so hard to give this gift to my girls. I didn't get it until just a few years ago. A few months back I wrote a post called freedom in the kitchen, but it applies to so many things in life. Realizing how to be creative within guidelines has been my liberation... I get it!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  4. Wow! I'll have to look up that post, Debbie. It's so nice that you ladies know what I mean.

  5. it's hard to break free from the "follow the rules" mentality sometimes. i like the idea of the "good thief" - taking what you need from something and leave the rest. thank you for sharing this post.
