Tuesday, June 28, 2011

wild raspberries

We've always had black raspberries growing wild on this property, but way back, they were in a thicket in a more remote corner of the yard; now, they're growing in the middle of a forsythia hedge on the side of the house - rather messy, but very agreeable at this time of year!

I've already  made a batch of black raspberry frozen dessert.   It doesn't last long.


  1. Oh! Delicious looking! They wouldn’t stay around long if I had them here either!

  2. those look delicious. i have some, too, but not as many. yum.

  3. Oh, oh oh! We want some of these!!!! These ar emy husband's favorite berry! I hope that in our next place we will be able to grow some!

  4. I just came in from picking - there's lots ahead!
