Saturday, March 26, 2011

"that inner quiet place"

I've been reading The Genesee Diary. This passage caught my attention:

"...during Terce,...we read 'Is anyone among you in trouble? He should turn to prayer.' Indeed prayer is the only real way to clean my heart and to create new space. I am discovering how important that inner space is. When it is there it seems that I can receive many concerns of others in it without becoming depressed. When I sense that inner quiet place, I can pray for many others and feel a very intimate relationship with them. There even seems to be room for the thousands of suffering people in prisons and in the deserts of North Africa. Sometimes I feel as if my heart expands from my parents traveling in Indonesia to my friends in Los Angeles and from the Chilean prisons to the parishes in Brooklyn.

Now I know that it is not I who pray but the spirit of God who prays in me."

                                               -  c1976,    Henri J. M. Nouwen

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