Monday, March 28, 2011


but true!  

This - when I came home from the dentist this morning  -

And only yesterday she was whacking him at every opportunity.

but what does it mean???


  1. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

  2. We have an indoor kitty and an outdoor kitty, both females. When it's cold out, the outdoor kitty comes in for the night. Then we witness the love hate relationship. One minute the whacking and hissing, next minute the welcome tolerance... This is too funny. As I am writing this I heard a thump and turned my head just in time to see indoor kitty hanging high from the little window in our front door trying to see outdoor kitty who was meowing proficiently! I've never seen her do that before.

  3. That sounds pretty comical -

  4. It means they're cats. We have two sister cats, who grew up together, they're still - one moment fighting, slapping each other, chasing each other - another moment, lying down together, licking each other clean, peaceful. Cats.

  5. Hana, this is what everyone is telling me, but it's taking a while to sink in. When I see her slapping him with such vigor and force, I am trying to imagine the cat psyche - why? I also tend to remember the injunction to "love our neighbor" and I'm sorry to see this sort of one-upmanship in the cat world. Still, they're much better than they were!
