Friday, February 18, 2011

menu planning revisited

I really was in the habit of menu planning, probably till I got bronchitis - and I hadn't gotten back to it. Getting out cookbooks, looking through the recipe box, trying to get a balance through the week - I never minded it, but it's so time-consuming.  Enter Leila, whose blog, Like Mother, Like Daughter, was recommended to me by Kathryn - and boy, now I can see a light at the end of the tunnel!

It's over on the right side of her blog, called Happy Home: Food Organization - worksheets with detail on how to plan your menus!  And how sensible!  I made a list of meals which I regularly make - some more often than others, and came up with thirty five, all quite basic, and good and familiar things. And just having written them down clarified something for me -  they were all right in the back of my mind at the supermarket, and in case I saw something on sale I knew the corresponding recipe would come to my mind.

I think I can find more menus to add to the list, but I don't need to do everything she suggests - there are only two of us, and my situation isn't drastic by any means. I just needed some sensible direction.  Knowing that I have over a month's worth (and I left out summer things like pasta salad, because it's winter now) of options - and all familiar stuff - is such a relief.  Hallelujah!


  1. What a wonderful site Leila has. I'm going to try my hand at her food organization suggestions. Anything to economize right now is greatly appreciated. Thanks for sharing her site with us!

  2. I find when I'm organised and have a menu planned (even if I stray a little), life is less stressful especially on busy days.
    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. They always lift my spirits.

  3. I made out this week's menu last night - took me less than 5 minutes. Hee hee!

  4. Long ago, I found and mentioned this Martha Stewart quote on my blog, and I still think it's one of the wisest things: "Life is too complicated not to be orderly." Your menu idea will simplify your life (and that's a "good thing." HA HA!) ;)

  5. I adore her site!
    And, I do the same menu type planning. I leave a day for a good bit of creativity too, though!

  6. Val, that is an excellent comment by Martha - and it took me a minute or so, but I got your aside!!

    (manys the time on this blog I've wanted to say that something was a good thing, but how could I? It belongs to her!)

  7. Ha. :) My mom and I use that line at least once during every cooking/homemaking fiasco. Wallpaper that doesn't stay on the walls? Cookies you forgot were baking? "It's a good thing." :)

  8. Turn it into something funny, at least! Now, that's a good thing!

  9. I love to menu plan, and I'm so glad you like Leila's blog - I love it!
