Sunday, February 6, 2011

a dear, dear friend

Back to the issue of plastic, but this is different. I couldn't find this dear angel the whole Christmas season.
I looked several times in the box with the window candles - I didn't see it.  But not it - him. This angel is a he, not like the female-looking ones we see today, with gorgeous robes and flowing hair. This one looks like a young man, not flowing, but STILL.  Serene. It's comforting to see him. How I missed him!

We've always had him in the family - I don't remember otherwise - so I guess he's from the 60's, or maybe even the 50's? I don't know much about the history of plastic. But I really felt his absence this year, and was afraid he had disappeared by mistake.

He's electric - he plugs in, with a night-light bulb inside.

I was putting away some extra bulbs the other day, and there he was, in the box with the electric candles where he was supposed to be! I was so relieved!  He wasn't lost after all.  He looks quite different with his light on.  But he always has that stillness

Psalm 46, verse 10 - "Be still, and know that I am God."

 He's still.  He knows.



  1. I, too, have had things disappear only to find them after the fact. It's always a relief when they turn up. I'm glad your angel is found. He's lovely.

  2. I'm so glad you found him, what a treasure!

  3. Oh, I think plastic is even older, actually. Bakelite, that is.
    He is calming for sure. And family treasures are the best. It might not have a monetary value, but the real value is beyond calculation, right? Because it has to do with memories, and values of a different kind...

  4. You are right, Hana!! Monetary value means nothing - I wouldn't want to trade him for anything! You are pretty smart for a young thing. ;-)

    As for Bakelite - is it a type of plastic, then? I've heard of it, but don't know anything about it.

  5. Yes, I believe bakelite is a type of plastic, what what type I really don't know...
