Monday, November 22, 2010

St. Cecilia

(painting by Artemisia Gentileschi)

St. Cecilia has greatly helped me more than once, so I want to give her a little space here - November 22nd is her day.


  1. She is a saint I'm still learning about, I was swept off my feet by St. Therese of Liseux some years ago and admit to not learning about many other saints since then...I don't think St. Therese would like that very much!

  2. Oh, she wouldn't mind anything! In fact, I remember reading that she had a dream or something about a certain saint - I forget exactly, but it was someone to whom she didn't have a devotion. It caused her to realize that the saints love us anyway, whether we pay attention to them or not. I wish I could recall it in more detail.
    I meant to put a link to a bio of St. C. above, and I forgot. I'll do it now.
