Thursday, April 5, 2012

Glory in the Cross

Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ
who redeems us with His blood,
Let us tell the story of the cross of Christ
and the pow'r of His saving love, 
Like a lamb He was slain;
He carried our shame,
to show us the mercy of God.
Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ
and the triumph of God's great love.

Let us bring our burdens to the cross of Christ
Who has known our sorrow and tears.
In the great compassion of the heart of Christ,
God has walked in our hopes and fears.
He was mocked and betrayed,
deserted by friends,
and banished to die among thieves.
Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ
and the triumph of God's great love.

Let us kneel in homage at the cross of Christ
where we see God's human face.
We behold the Maker of the sun and stars
as He hangs on the throne of grace.
As we share in His pain,
His sorrow and shame,
our hearts will be tested in fire.
Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ
and the triumph of God's great love.

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