Sunday, October 13, 2024

morning surprise

 I know this is the worst photo ever.

At the moment, sunrise is around seven o'clock here, and this morning at seven my brother was outside watering some shrubs before taking his walk. He called to me that the sky was pink and I said it is that way from time to time at sunrise. But then he said there was an orange rainbow and you could see it from the front of the house. Well, I didn't have my contacts in yet, but I went out on the front step to look; I didn't see any rainbow. So, I went to the back door (which is not in back, but on the side of the house), and I saw it, across the street. It was fading, but he said it had been pretty bright. 

Okay, we all know the conditions for a rainbow, I think - I always run outside to look for one after a rain, when the sun is bright somewhere and the clouds are still dark on the other side. But it hadn't been raining. It was dry. And, our rainbows are always in the east, in the back of the house, never across the street, in the west. Not to mention that I never heard of an orange rainbow - mostly orange, he said. 

I can only assume it was due to the aurora, which has been appearing even where we live, a couple of times. Nothing like in northern Europe, but more like a bright pink sky well after dark, at night. So, is this connected to that? It must have to do with the electromagnetic activity.

Monday, October 7, 2024

suddenly bright

 The swamp maple must have turned brilliant when I was looking the other way.

"Every season has its own glory in New England, for every month has its own separate identity, different personality. October is the dramatic month, everyone knows about autumn in New England."

                                        -  Gladys Taber

Saturday, October 5, 2024

October the perfect

I think I must say this every October, but - today was perfect, and I think a day like this, here where I live, only appears in October. Deep blue sky, strong breeze, dry air, beautiful colors in the trees.  Absolutely perfect, and delightful. In the seventies. It was heavenly, and also, the song of the mockingbird in the distance several times throughout the day and out my window in the early morning! It couldn't have been better.

I was asking myself if we don't have perfect days like this in May, maybe? But no. May is a nice month here, when things are getting warmer. But there is a big difference (in my view) in a month where you're getting warm after a cold few months, and a month where you're already nice and warm, coming into a cooler season. A big difference. Not to mention that I prefer the colors of the bright leaves to the flowering trees - sorry, but yes! There can be mud in May, but October is - totally beautiful. 

Unless you're in North Carolina. May God have mercy on them, because the government certainly isn't. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

frail flowers

 If Hope, by Christina Rossetti

 If hope grew on a bush,
And joy grew on a tree,
What a nosegay for the plucking
There would be!

But oh! in windy autumn,
When frail flowers wither,
What should we do for hope and joy,
Fading together?

Sunday, September 29, 2024


 "Love leads to communion, and communion allows everyone to move forward in harmony. Communion is not a happiness passively enjoyed, but it struggles to maintain a fraternal spirit and to open the doors of this fraternity to all people. By nature, love propagates itself; it is contagious, communicates to others, and draws everyone to communion. 

I must engrave this maxim within myself: 'Communion is the struggle of every moment.' A moment's neglect can destroy it; a mere trifle suffices: a single thought without charity, an obstinately maintained prejudice, a harmful attachment, a personal ambition or interest, an action done for myself and not for the Lord, returning to a bad habit already abandoned, the desire for personal satisfaction that overrides what is pleasing to the Lord. 

Help me, Lord, to examine myself in this way: Who is the center of my life: you or me? If you are the center, then everyone will be gathered into unity. But if, instead, I see that people around me lose interest and disperse, that will be a sign that I have put myself at the center."

                                                             -  Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan

Saturday, September 28, 2024

a little crop

 On Sunday, September the 22nd, I started reading Lord of the Rings again. I was feeling the pull, but thought I'd wait till Bilbo's birthday.

We had a nice, soft, quiet rainfall the other day, finally. It's been very dry for the better part of two months. 

I decided to harvest my butternut squashes. There were four of them, but one was lost; it had detached from the vine and rotted, all because I am an inattentive gardener. 

Still, it's amazing to see these things grown from one small seed. I would like to save one for Thanksgiving.

There is a lovely white cloud of tiny asters out there in the tangle of my garden, and tomorrow is Michaelmas. At least I assume that's what they are - it's the right time of year, but they are usually larger than these.

They're charming, anyway. We're in a warmer, humid spell, so I stopped washing the windows for a bit. I like doing them when it feels like fall's really here. There are other things to do. 

The images out of Tennessee and North Carolina are terrifying. May God have mercy on them.

"the Shadow takes another shape and grows again.

I wish it need not have happened in my time, said Frodo.

So do I, said Gandalf, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

Monday, September 23, 2024

just some Chat

It was really cool today; overcast all day, with a kind of damp feeling. The temps were in the sixties, so it's not cold, but I was chilly in the house. We haven't had a frost yet, and don't expect one till mid-October, but it feels different, and I'm getting out my more fall-ish clothes by little and little. I can't just get them all out if I don't feel like it's time yet. I have heard that Britain had a frost, and that surprises me, since they have a milder climate than we.

We heard the Great Horned Owl again last night. And then within the hour, I twice heard an animal - I don't know, screeching, screaming, or whatever it was, it didn't sound good. I don't know the sounds of our wild creatures in distress, so it could have been anyone. I don't like to think of it.

I read a little further in The Distant Mirror. It surprised me that there was a push to abolish the mendicant orders right after the Black Plague. My brother didn't find an answer in any of his books, so I appealed to This is what they said, and I'm pasting it from their website:

"In the mid-14th century, several factors contributed to a growing critique of mendicant orders, such as the Franciscans and Dominicans. Here are some key reasons:

  1. Economic Strain: The mendicant orders relied on alms and donations, and as economic conditions worsened due to events like the Black Death, there was less money to go around. This made their support more contentious.

  2. Corruption and Criticism: Some mendicants faced accusations of corruption and failing to live up to their vows of poverty. As their numbers grew, issues like the accumulation of wealth and property arose, leading to disillusionment among both the laity and within the Church.

  3. Intellectual Rivalry: The rise of university-educated clergy led to a tension between mendicants and secular clergy. The former were often viewed as more radical or extreme in their interpretations of poverty and spirituality, causing friction with established church authorities.

  4. Reform Movements: The 14th century saw various reform movements within the Church aimed at addressing perceived moral and spiritual decay. Some reformers saw mendicants as part of the problem rather than the solution.

  5. Political Context: The political landscape of Europe was also shifting, and local governments began to exert more control over religious orders. This often meant limiting the power and influence of mendicants, who were sometimes seen as too independent.

These factors combined to create a climate where the mendicant orders faced increasing scrutiny and calls for reform or even abolition."

Well, it makes sense, especially number one and number five, I think.  The reason I even thought of ChatGPT, was because my brother had asked it a detailed question previously on the beliefs held by the early Church fathers, and it was surprisingly accurate and thorough. So, if you're stumped over anything, give it a try. 

Some leaves are starting to fall.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

the passion of patiences

 "The passion, our passion, sure we are waiting for it. We know it must come and we intend to live it with a certain grandeur. We are waiting for the bell to ring that will inform us that the time has come for us to sacrifice ourselves. Like a log in the fireplace, we know that we have to be consumed. Like a piece of wool cut with scissors, we have to be separated. Like young animals that are sent to slaughter, we have to be destroyed.

We are waiting for our passion but it does not come. In its place there come small patiences.

Patiences, those small pieces of the passion whose job it is to kill us gently for your glory, to kill us without our getting the glory.

From dawn they come to greet us: our nerves, either too much on edge or too numb....It is the urge to be silent when we ought to speak; and the urge to speak when we ought to be silent. It is the desire to go out when we ought to stay in; and the urge to stay in when we have to go out. It is our disgust with our daily ration of life and the neurotic desire for all that is not ours.

This is the way our patiences come, in serried ranks or in single file, and they always forget to remind us of the fact that they are the martyrdom for which we were preparing. And scornfully we let them pass by, as we wait for a cause that would be worth dying for.

If every redemption is a martyrdom, not every martyrdom involves the spilling of blood. From the beginning of our lives to the very end, one by one, grapes may be picked from the bunch. This is the passion of patiences."

                                                  -  Madeleine Delbrel, from Magnificat, September 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024

the third time will be the charm

 I wore my blue skirt again yesterday, and it caught on my sandal's buckle again, even after machine-stitching the hem. So, today I cut it off just above the hem and it's pinned up and ready to be hemmed again. I'll do it by hand; it will be shorter and won't catch on my buckles anymore.

just an orange


What is pink? a rose is pink
By the fountain's brink.
What is red? a poppy's red
In its barley bed.
What is blue? the sky is blue
Where the clouds float thro'.
What is white? a swan is white
Sailing in the light.
What is yellow? pears are yellow,
Rich and ripe and mellow.
What is green? the grass is green,
With small flowers between.
What is violet? clouds are violet
In the summer twilight.
What is orange? why, an orange,
Just an orange?

by Christina Rossetti                                                

Thursday, September 19, 2024

a focus in one's reading habits

 I just found this here:

"At fixed hours time should be given to certain definite reading. Haphazard reading, constantly varied and lighted on by chance does not edify but makes the mind unstable. Taken into the memory lightly, it leaves it even more lightly. You should concentrate on certain authors and let your mind grow used to them….

Some part of your daily reading should be committed to memory every day, taken as it were into the stomach, to be more carefully digested and brought up again for frequent rumination—something in keeping with your vocation and helpful to concentration, something that will take hold of the mind and save it from distraction.

The reading should also stir your affections and give rise to prayer, which should interrupt your reading—an interruption which should not so much impede the reading as to restore to it a mind evermore purified for understanding.

For reading serves the purpose of the intention with which it is done. If a reader truly seeks God in the reading, everything he reads tends to promote that end, making the mind surrender in the course of the reading and bring all that is understood into Christ’s service."

                                                    -   William of St. Thierry

Monday, September 16, 2024

Sunday, September 15, 2024

accepting suffering

 "It is when we attempt to avoid suffering by withdrawing from anything that might involve, hurt, when we try to spare ourselves the effort and pain of pursuing truth, love, and goodness, that we drift into a life of emptiness, in which there may be almost no pain, but the dark sensation of meaninglessness and abandonment is all the greater. It is not by sidestepping or fleeing from suffering that we are healed, but rather by our capacity for accepting it, maturing through it and finding meaning through union with Christ, who suffered with infinite love..."

                                                                   -  Pope Benedict XVI

Monday, September 9, 2024

the September feeling

 Today, I think fall has really arrived. I've been waiting for that September feeling, and was thinking maybe I'd missed it. 

It's the stillness - well, there may be a breeze, or not, but the stillness is not in the air; it's just a still feeling. If you're paying attention you will notice the buzzing of the insects, but it's in the background, it's the soundtrack to the whole business.

Everything is drier, overgrown and blowsy. The sky is bluer. 

My brother went on a retreat for a couple of days; when he does this, he'll email me photos of his room, and the menus. Parmesan tilapia was something they served. I had some cod, and an idea. I spread Dijon mustard all over the pieces with some dillweed, then sprinkled Parmesan on top. It was very delicious! We had it with mushroom barley soup (also on one of his menus) and steamed broccoli (another menu item). I have fun doing this. Small pleasures.

He told me something shocking today. When he built the shed, which may be twenty years ago, the plywood cost him eighteen dollars a sheet for the larger pieces, and twelve for some that were not so big. He said the same wood now costs - brace yourself - eighty nine dollars. I'm shocked. Plywood.

Friday, September 6, 2024

keeping it all together

 Well, my time off has been lovely; a friend was over for lunch Wednesday. But then yesterday I felt like I might be coming down with something and I've been resting a lot these two days. It could be allergies, or even resulting from too many late nights and still waking up early - it does catch up with one.

I've grabbed a Jane Austen mystery for entertainment, the fourth one. I tend to forget the murderer's identity when I re-read a mystery, and just enjoy the writing. 

I desperately needed a new bedspread or quilt - whatever. I ended up getting a duvet cover. I don't have a duvet - all these European words that we didn't used to use; I always called it a comforter, or puff - I've got plenty of quilts, throws and blankets, and don't need or want one. My intention in buying this was to stuff it with quilt batting and machine-stitch it. When it arrived, I gave up the idea. It is so tightly woven, like a quality sheet, that it would be a pain to work with in that way. I love it as us, and just lay it over the bed. It's so pretty, and I got it on sale.

The colors blend harmoniously with the overall scheme of the house, which I'm trying harder to stick to.

"One can do nothing, you know, without one pays homage to the genius of the place."

                                           -   from Jane and the Genius of the Place, by Stephanie Barron

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

time to take time

 I took this week off from work, and it couldn't be better, weather-wise. Sunny but dry, most days. Dreamy. I'm doing what I want, every day, within reason, of course. Doing what needs to be done, and enjoying nature. 

"...being attentive to the times of the day: when the birds began to sing, and the deer came out of the morning fog, and the sun came up. The reason why we don't take time is a feeling that we have to keep moving. This is a real sickness. We live in the fullness of time. Every moment is God's own good time, His kairos. The whole thing boils down to giving ourselves in prayer a chance to realize that we have what we seek. We don't have to rush after it. It was there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known to us."

                                                 -   Thomas Merton 

things to be grateful for

 "Given belief in God, a good digestion and a mind in working order life's still a thing to be grateful for."

                                                       -  Elizabeth GoudgeA City of Bells

Monday, September 2, 2024


 It's Labor Day over here in the U.S. It doesn't have a lot of meaning for the residents as far as I can tell, but it's a holiday, which is always nice. 

 I was finishing up my reading of Esther de Waal's, Seeking God: the Way of St. Benedict:

"...Christ is to be found in the circumstances, the people, the things of daily life. St. Benedict hopes that if we are continually aware of this we shall life our hearts to him and in this way our whole life will become a prayer in action. 

The work of God has two senses: our offering to God and his work in us. ... that we live open to grace. 

Daisy oversees my washing of the table

Sunday, September 1, 2024

divine warmth over our whole life

 from Magnficat the other day:

"It has been well said that religion is not something; it is Someone. It is the Holy Trinity in us; it is Jesus, chosen and preferred.

My little children, abide in my love (from John 33). In thus asking you for your heart, Jesus gives you life. Love is life; it is the sun, the light, a divine warmth over our whole life. Without this love, you live a shallow life; you vegetate. Externally you do your spiritual exercises, fulfill the duties of your state in life, but if your heart is not there, life is not there. Without love, everything is painful, everything is tiring, everything is burdensome.

The cross, taken up hesitantly, is crushing; taken smilingly, by free will, and with love, it will carry you much more than you carry it. Love makes time eternal by giving a divine value to everything. There is an expression I do not life: We must carry out the duties of piety, a little like the duty to answer a letter, to pay a visit; or like the duties of servants toward their masters, although what Jesus wants is friendship. He will reward us for duties done because he is so good, but what an abyss between the two ways of doing things: for duty or for love. Louis Veuillot wrote, Dry duty is a cold and hard master who does not console anyone and who is terribly boring. Speak to me of loving God, that I may fulfill with joy the duty he assigns to me, and keep the great joy of love which is sacrifice. In this way, supernaturalize by love the duties of your state in life.

                                                                -  Fr. Jean du Coeur de Jesus d'Elbee

Saturday, August 31, 2024

it fades

 Well, it's the Labor Day weekend, and there was just now a lot of noise outside. I had no idea of Labor Day warranting a firework display, but we had it. Well, I was ironing and too busy to look out the window. I have no doubt poor Annie was hopeful it wouldn't last very long. 

a different day, watching a bug on the ceiling

My little knitting project is coming along now; I had switched to a larger needle size, but switched back, and now I'm ready to decrease and bind off the bear's body. I can hear the katydids out the window, with the tree frogs singing in the background. It's strange to think there are actually frogs in the trees, since I don't anybody who's ever seen them. But they provide background music at nights in late summer.

It fades - this green, this lavish interval,
This time of flowers and fruits,
Of melon ripe along the orchard wall,
Of sun and sails and wrinkled linen suits;
Time when the world seems rather plus than minus
And pollen tickles the allergic sinus.

- Phyllis McGinley

Monday, August 26, 2024

a bit of charm on the front step

 The warmth has returned, and it feels summery again; today a "severe thunderstorm" threatened. The threat passed, but the rumbles remained for a while, with dark sky hovering in the distance. It rained some, and then strong winds blew in cool, cool air! Perfect.

Way back in May I gave in to temptation and purchased a planter at the supermarket, instead of a hanging plant. It was early in the month, before such flowers are blooming, but I couldn't resist it. There was phlox in it, dianthus, some little flowers and other things I'm unfamiliar with. It did very well, but eventually things were getting cramped and shaggy; I removed the phlox, and put most of the dianthus in my backyard garden, along with some of the tiny flowers. And I added a pretty sweet potato vine to the pot. I had seen one at Debra's years ago and never forgot it. Agway had a variegated type, and it really is pretty. Now, it's curving all around the front steps. 

It has gone down the side, too.

I also have a bright yellow pansy, which still blooms cheerily. I give these a bit of chicken manure fertilizer once a week, and they have responded to it. 

There are also two or three very small pots out there with what used to be seedlings in them - I had started things to put out in my garden, but when the butternut squash started covering the whole place, I gave up the idea. So they stay in their cramped quarters in contentment, I guess, and add to the grouping, and except for the borage, I don't remember what else they might be. Except charming.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

in the stillness

 "I pray to God night and day. It is like a passion in me; all my desire is that people should know him, because once they know him, they will never let him go.

And you find him in a very simple way....stillness of body, stillness of heart, stillness of mind, and one thought: Lord, come! And you wait.... Your heart is wide open. And suddenly, when you least expect it, he is there! Now you met, because he met you...  Let us remember that Christ has come, Christ love us, Christ saved us."

                                                               -  Catherine de Hueck Doherty

Thursday, August 22, 2024

like the Little Red Hen

 Oh, my goodness, what an August we've been having! So unnaturally cool - it actually did not reach seventy on Tuesday!! August, the hardest month to bear (to my mind), so warm and humid, with nights in the eighties sometimes. Not this year! It's been into the fifties at night! 

I really can't believe it; I actually could not stand to wear my summery clothes another day; I dug out some more in-between things. If this sounds like complaining, I'm really not; it's very comfortable. We did have several humid days last week, but it wasn't hot. 

I am reading Miss Read's first Fairacre novel, Village School. The descriptions of the town, the school and church, the neighborhood and children are all so real, even though things have changed so much. I also cast on a few stitches today, to try and make a little knitted bear - isn't it cute? I have a beige yarn, and we'll see how it goes.

Since I heard the owl last week, they've been on my mind. Imagine my surprise when I discovered the library was having an owl program! Yesterday! Yes, there was a Great Horned there.

a relative of the one I heard last week

The woman said that great horned owls are so fierce, even eagles won't mess with them! 

If they settle in our area, the rabbit population will decrease.

Lately, I've had a desire to bake things for the freezer. I've made einkorn pancakes, Irish soda bread muffins and today, blueberry scones - all in the freezer now. It's very nice to have things like this on hand. In case somebody drops by, or we're still hungry after a meal, or need a snack when we'll be out, etc.. Kind of like the Little Red Hen.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

not orphans

 Alleluia, not as orphans
Are we left in sorrow now
Alleluia, he is near us
Faith believes, nor questions how
Though the cloud from sight received him
When the forty days were o'er
Shall our hearts forget his promise
"I am with you evermore"?

- Wm. C. Dix

Monday, August 12, 2024

nature calling

I awoke sometime in the dark, and realized an owl was hooting. An owl isn't unusual, but I can't remember when I last heard one, so I guess they are unusual. I listened for a while, and had to get to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Dianne's husband went down the road in his snazzy car and the owl stopped. 

I wanted to identify the call while I still remembered it. I got my tablet; it was four thirty. It was a great horned. So exciting! Not sure why, since they are common. I guess I am just glad I heard it, and glad I was able to find out what type. It seemed funny to me that Daisy wasn't interested when I was in my window, figuring out where he might be - she paid no attention. 

Speaking of paying no attention, my brother was astonished when he went out to the shed, and the rabbit nearby just ignored him. Well, he said he watched my brother, but never moved. Could it be the word has gotten out among them - we are friendly to rabbits? 

It was a very cool, refreshing night, and perfect day - in the seventies! Later we had at least three brief showers with cloudy spells, where I'd put up the shade, then bright and sunny and warm, where I'd pull it down. Up and down, up and down. I think the back-and-forthing is a precursor to more humidity - well, it is August. And today was very un-August like. That's all right; July was rough.

You can't see it from the house, so we didn't notice right away, but a large branch broke off a tree across the brook and fell halfway across the grassy area back there; my brother won't be able to mow past it until he gets rid of it.

Just snapped off. It probably wasn't like that on Saturday. We had the remains of Hurricane Debby here on Friday night, but it wasn't as bad as it was originally predicted. Still, it was very gusty for the whole day and night. 

Does this mean it was weak? That tree is tall, and I know my brother has mentioned taking it down. I always resist, because it glows so beautifully in autumn. But it could fall on our house, or on one of our neighbors'. Oh, brother. We have had loads of rain this season, not to mention last year. Basically, more rain than normal over the past year. This can loosen the tree roots, and the big winds will topple them. He said he's glad he just got new blades for his chainsaw. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

oh, if only

 "The right old age means strength and beauty and mirth and courage and clear eyes and strong painless limbs."

                                              -  The Princess and the Goblin, by George MacDonald

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 I've been wondering if my butternut squashes out in the garden will rot from laying on the often-wet earth. I went out today and realized there are four squash there!! That plant, which I grew from a seed, by the way, has spread over the whole place out there. It's leaves are shading everything else, so I don't think the red onions are going to do anything. But I do love butternut squash! I think if I just go out and lift up each one every day, they should get enough air all the way around. 

I finished reading The Yearling this morning. Before, when I looked ahead, it was quickly done and I didn't get the peripheral descriptions and details surrounding the - well, I'll call it the tragic event. Reading it carefully gave a context and a "good" ending to the story. I mean, not happy, but right. And it was so well written, everything and everyone lifelike. 

And now, when I see Daisy and observe her liveliness, her antics, I remember Jody's fawn, Flag. These creatures are what they are. They live in our world but they're outside of society, they can't always understand how to operate within it. (well, Dolly could, but we won't go there). Daisy has her fun, she looks for something new to do, she gets into things, she causes problems we have to solve by altering this and that in the house. Anyway, I feel that now I'm looking at her in a different way, and when I'm tempted to get impatient, that fawn in the story comes to mind. Daisy is just happy to be alive, and when she looks into my eyes at length the way she sometimes does, is she wondering why we're buddies some of the time and why I yell, at others? 

our little "yearling" - it's important to be Earnest, and she is

It was a beautiful story. I wonder why she wrote it.

I machine-stitched my blue skirt hem today. I'm not sure I like the way it looks, and I think I'll chop off the whole hem and just have it a little shorter. Since it's practically a maxi, it will still be plenty long, but it won't be catching in my sandal buckles. The never ending skirt.

Monday, August 5, 2024

summer things

 We had a humdinger of a storm yesterday, while having dessert and trying to do the wordle. It wasn't dark and threatening, but very loud and bangy. It was dangerous enough - there was a "severe thunderstorm warning", as they call it. 

And the humidity: it's been a rough summer in that way. A week or so ago, I was recalling how I used to bring Dolly out and we'd sit outside on a quilt for a while - often. I realized I wasn't doing anything of that sort, and determined to start. But - well, frankly, when it's ninety out and very humid, it isn't conducive to any kind of enjoyment. So, I'm in the house, keeping busy. This week is going to be very much cooler but still humid. We'll have to see how that feels.

I wore my blue skirt to work the other day and found that the buckles on my sandals - both feet - were catching on the hand-stitched hem. This skirt is down near my ankles. So I'm going to have to machine-sew it. Most modern store-bought clothing has a machine sewn hem, but it's nice when you make your own things to hand sew it. Not this time, though.

I was unprepared for dinner today, so I whipped together another cassoulet with lots of fresh vegetables and some leftover meat. It worked, even though I'd hardly plan such a meal at this time of year. But of course the air was on all day. We had to eat something. The ingredients I used wouldn't have half so nice if served up separately. 

My beloved bedroom chair is a painted rattan, and the cats - well, mostly Daisy - have been picking at it on the lower legs. She has taken off parts of the wicker that goes around the leg, peeling it off, so to speak. I got some tape of the same dark green color and covered those areas. Now it looks so much better. 

You can see they also pick at the rug. And everything else in the house. 

I have almost finished The Yearling, but I know what happens. I looked ahead the other day - why, I can't say what caused me to. And I was sorry, so sorry that I thought I couldn't finish the book. But after a while I remembered how I'd been liking it, the writing, the well-drawn characters, and I'd known to expect a difficult ending. But I didn't guess how painful it would be. But I decided to keep reading, and I'm just about at the hard point now. That's all I'm going to say.

May the Lord, our God, bless us in all our works and undertakings. Amen.
Deuteronomy 15:10

Sunday, August 4, 2024

the ocean and truth

 What are heavy? sea-sand and sorrow:
What are brief? today and tomorrow:
What are frail? Spring blossoms and youth:
What are deep? the ocean and truth.

- What are Heavy?  by Christina Rossetti

Monday, July 29, 2024

their subjection would last forever

 O that my people would heed me,
that Israel* would walk in my ways!
At once I would subdue their foes,
turn my hand against their enemies.

The Lord's enemies would cringe at their feet
and their subjection would last forever.

-  from Psalm 81

*Israel here does not refer to the modern state of Israel, but to the Lord's (supposedly) faithful people. Christians, or at least Catholics, take it to mean themselves.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

summer day

 It rained, heavily, a while ago. I think it's going to be drier after this - the air, I mean. This week we've had a reprieve from the high heat, but it was more humid that before, so the air conditioning was still in use. What would we do without the weather to complain about? But I won't have to water the plants outside.

The Yearling is so enjoyable and I'm surprised at it. Well, these people had a hard life, so "enjoyable" is not the best word, but the writing just brings you along smoothly and willingly. I've noticed it basically consists of lots of short, almost abrupt sentences, which doesn't sound good, does it? But it doesn't seem to matter, it's just her style and it works well. 

"Jody went around the side of the house and took down the milk-gourd from the wall. He felt as light as the gourd. It seemed to him in his liberation that he might spread his arms and float over the gate like a feather. The dawn was still nebulous. A mocking-bird made a thin metallic sound in the chinaberry. The Dominick rooster crowed uncertainly. This was the hour at which Penny arose, allowing Jody to sleep a little later. The morning was still, with a faint fluttering of breeze through the tops of the tall pine trees. The sunrise reached long fingers into the clearing. As he clicked the lotgate, doves flew from the pines with a whistling of wings."

                                               -  Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

I'm thinking of making a plain summer top, something simple that takes a yard or slightly more of fabric, like the One Yard Minimalist Top on Etsy; I have to look around to see if I've got something here. 

This morning I looked down and Daisy was playing with her reddish ball in the kitchen. Honestly, it did try to get through my subconscious that there isn't a red ball, but not quite - anyway, I picked it up to toss into the living room, but - it was a little tomato! That one in the photo above. Yeah, trying to get things off the counter, but it doesn't always work out. Which reminds me: the last time I cleaned the counter, I put some stuff on the table - she was sleeping somewhere. After a while, I turned and she was sitting on the wooden cutting board! I almost tossed it immediately, but I actually Never use it for cutting, we have something else. So, I sprayed with vinegar, etc., and scrubbed. It's mainly useful for resting a large, hot pan on it. So, it's still with us, but if I ever think it may be used for cutting by anyone, it will go into the trash. 

Yeah, she's cute. She was looking into my eyes earlier, and so earnestly, that you can't be angry for long. She tries to belong, she tries to understand, she tries to be good, I'm sure. But for some reason she can't figure it out. Annie does not look deeply into the eyes, she is a simpler being. But she's also a lovely cat. They're good companions for each other and for us.

I am very slowly going through The Distant Mirror, about the 14th century in Europe. I picked it up today, and was surprised:

"Long before Columbus, they knew the world was a globe, a knowledge proceeding from familiarity with the movement of the stars, which could be made comprehensible only in terms of a spherical earth. It was said by the cleric Gautier de Metz in his Image du Monde, the most widely read encyclopedia of the time, that a man could go around the world as a fly makes the tour of an apple... Visually, people pictured the universe held in God's arms with man at its center. It was understood that the moon was the nearest planet, with no light of its own, that an eclipse was the passage of the moon between the earth and the sun; that rain was moisture drawn by the sun from the earth which condensed into clouds and fell back as rain; that the shorter the time between thunder and lightning, the nearer the source."

                                                     -   Barbara Tuchman