Thursday, September 7, 2017

time for applesauce

We're picking the apples now; they are quite small, but clear. The first batch of applesauce was bland - how strange! These apples made delicious applesauce last time. But anyway, I flavored the next batch and it was good. Lots of cooking ahead.


  1. Lucky you! No apples here due to a last frost last spring. :-(

    1. What a shame, Anne. Make sure you eat lots next year. That's what I did this summer with the peaches, to make up for last year's crop failure. :)

  2. How strange the sauce is bland this year! Our apples are nearly ready for picking; mainly cooking apples but some eaters.

  3. What did you flavour them with?

    When I cook up my apples and rhubarb for my breakfasts I add a dash of cardamom, cloves, allpsice and cinnamon. xx

    1. The first batch, nothing; last time the flavor was so nice they didn't need anything. The second batch I put it some clove and cinnamon, I think. And lemon juice.

      I am having such a pain trying to strain the skins out, that I think I'll have to peel them after this. I was sure we had a food mill somewhere, and I don't want to buy one if we have one already. But, where...?

    2. I alway peel mine, but I suppose with yours being so small it would be a bit of a pain to have to do that.
