Monday, September 22, 2014

like Gail

Gail was in the library the other day. She used to work with us - now she's retired.

She looked nice, she always makes that effort. And she's enjoying her retirement. She likes to read, and helps out a lot with her grandchildren. She has her interests - she's a good knitter, and then there's the cross-stitch - she's made many beautiful pieces. She always made time for her hobbies before and they're good companions for her now. There's no getting bored for Gail! She finds life interesting.

This is the way to be in life - at any age, but, like Gail, if you develop your interests and good habits throughout your life they will stand you in good stead when you're (a bit) older.

She also says she reads my blog every morning.  A Happy Birthday to you, Gail!