Wednesday, November 17, 2010

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

(The Charity of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, by Edmund Blair Leighton)

November 17th is the feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary - one of my very favorites.  She was sent to the kingdom of Thuringia at the age of four, to be betrothed to the king-to-be, and to be educated there.

They married when she was fourteen, and were very happy in their marriage. He died, however, in the Crusades.  Afterward she devoted her life to attending to the poor and forgotten. My mother used to give me a card and little gift on her feast day, because Lisa is considered a derivative of Elizabeth.

She died at 24, and is the patron of the homeless, those falsely accused, and nursing services -  among other things.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us!


  1. Faith was St. Elizabeth for her Saints costume in Little Flowers, we have loved learning about her life very much!
