I awoke sometime in the dark, and realized an owl was hooting. An owl isn't unusual, but I can't remember when I last heard one, so I guess they are unusual. I listened for a while, and had to get to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Dianne's husband went down the road in his snazzy car and the owl stopped.
I wanted to identify the call while I still remembered it. I got my tablet; it was four thirty. It was a great horned. So exciting! Not sure why, since they are common. I guess I am just glad I heard it, and glad I was able to find out what type. It seemed funny to me that Daisy wasn't interested when I was in my window, figuring out where he might be - she paid no attention.
Speaking of paying no attention, my brother was astonished when he went out to the shed, and the rabbit nearby just ignored him. Well, he said he watched my brother, but never moved. Could it be the word has gotten out among them - we are friendly to rabbits?
It was a very cool, refreshing night, and perfect day - in the seventies! Later we had at least three brief showers with cloudy spells, where I'd put up the shade, then bright and sunny and warm, where I'd pull it down. Up and down, up and down. I think the back-and-forthing is a precursor to more humidity - well, it is August. And today was very un-August like. That's all right; July was rough.
You can't see it from the house, so we didn't notice right away, but a large branch broke off a tree across the brook and fell halfway across the grassy area back there; my brother won't be able to mow past it until he gets rid of it.
Just snapped off. It probably wasn't like that on Saturday. We had the remains of Hurricane Debby here on Friday night, but it wasn't as bad as it was originally predicted. Still, it was very gusty for the whole day and night.
Does this mean it was weak? That tree is tall, and I know my brother has mentioned taking it down. I always resist, because it glows so beautifully in autumn. But it could fall on our house, or on one of our neighbors'. Oh, brother. We have had loads of rain this season, not to mention last year. Basically, more rain than normal over the past year. This can loosen the tree roots, and the big winds will topple them. He said he's glad he just got new blades for his chainsaw.