Sunday, March 24, 2019

looking for the reward

"We desire to be paid for what we do; and when we are truly wise, we work for God: we choose that profession, of good works, which he patronizes, and we are certain of our wages....Religion and work should never be disjoined.

For every good work, every kindly thought, or tiny act of humble helpfulness, God gives a reward, a merited return of sustenance for our souls, or answer to our pleading for some purpose. The orderliness of heaven cannot be disturbed, and if our free will is not given wholly to the act, in a consecration clear and sweet, the corresponding mercy cannot approach us. ... It may be fatiguing to think of meriting at each step, but it also fatiguing to study Greek or Mathematics. The things of most worth are not cultivated without labor. And to imagine that it would be more generous to do something for God without reckoning at all upon a merciful return from him of any sort, is not intelligent virtue...for God will give mercy in return to every act worthy of reward."

                        -  Rose Hawthorne, daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne and foundress of the Dominican Sisters for the Care of Incurable Cancer

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